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Increasing your chances of getting Jobs offers and receiving promotion

Increasing your chances of getting Jobs offers and receiving promotion

Increasing your chances of getting Jobs offers and receiving promotion
30 July 2019

When a company is looking at a job candidate, they first look to see if that person has the necessary experience and expertise to fit the job. Almost as important, though, is whether she has the right personality and values for the job. After interviewing a candidate, they might ask themselves the following questions:

• Is this person a good fit for our company? Will he get along well with others on his team? 
• Does she seem as if she might be overly egotistic or self-serving? Does she possess an arrogance that might rub others the wrong way? 
• Do I like this person? Did I enjoy talking to him during the interview, and did he listen and absorb what I said?

• Does this candidate seem as if she has good values, that the she would work with suppliers and customers in an ethical to manner? 

Sometimes people mistakenly believe they should show off during job interviews, boasting of their accomplishments and demonstrating their superior knowledge. Typically, they talk too much and listen too little. Its fine to mention your accomplishments, but this can be done naturally within the course of a normal Conversation. More often than not, boastful, smug job candidates turn off interviewers, who will think to themselves, "I can't stand this guy now; how is it going to be if I have to see him every day?" In terms of promotions, one of the great myths is that the most qualified person gets promoted. If the promotion involves a highly technical position—an accounting or MIS job, for example—then 

expertise may be the single most important factor. If, on the other hand, the job involves a lot of people responsibilities, then other factors come into play. C students receive promotions to managerial jobs all the time because they know how to develop other people, and establish relationships with a wide range of people; they also are responsible and committed. A students may be promoted up to a certain level in technical departments—their superior computer design expertise secures a top job in that department—but they may not be considered seriously for higher-level positions involving numerous people responsibilities. Tradeoffs inevitably must be made in both hiring and promoting. Sometimes organizations will be desperate for someone with the knowledge and skills to handle a challenging position, and this desperation may make them willing to hire someone who is not Mr. Personality. It is also true that most people won't hire or promote someone who lacks the skills or knowledge to handle a job, even if they are the nicest guy in the world. In many instances, though, allowing your natural integrity, charm, and humanity to show will make a big difference in your career. 

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