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Your preferred, broad approach to tasks...

Your preferred, broad approach to tasks...

Your preferred, broad approach to tasks...
30 July 2019

Your preferred, broad approach to tasks can be categorized and describes as follows :

Factual and deliberate, organizers take an objective, systematic approach. Their virtue is that they are unlikely to be rushed so that what they do can be relied upon. They are effective at dealing with information in a planned way, so that the best use may be gained from everything. There are four basic types of organizers. Some are best suited to a situation in which they can take charge of a group of people. Others prefer a situation where people work together and responsibility for the organization is shared. Others like to have their own area of responsibility and work largely by themselves while taking charge when their own area of expertise is sought. Finally, some like to work in their own way and prefer it if others direct their efforts.

Factual and spontaneous, implementers like to get things done. Having ascertained the facts, the application of knowledge or systems is what appeals to them. They are often best suited to undertaking tasks that need to be worked upon and completed in the short term since they enjoy seeing the results of their efforts have an immediate effect. Some implementers are best suited to managing people and other resources. Alternatively, they may prefer to have things carried out with the whole team so that they are not mainly responsible. Some implementers take responsibility for specific tasks, joining in with a group only when they have to. Finally, some implementers like to work in their own way and to be responsible for their own efforts.

Imaginative and deliberate, planners are careful to make sure that ideas are worked upon and shaped so that they will be most useful. A liking for work that is abstract yet has a practical application is typical of planners. Their contribution is that they can often see ways to do things, and they have the patience to see an
idea through to fruition. There are four basic styles for the planner. In the first, enjoyment is obtained by working in a group, persuading others as to the best plan and taking responsibility for developing it. In the second, a sharing of plans is preferred so that the end result is often a collective one. In the third, the preference is to work
alone but take charge on an occasional or project basis, when particular skills or knowledge are required. Finally, the preference is to work on plans alone.

Imaginative and spontaneous, experimenters like to use initiative and seek novelty. They are usually impatient with analysis and research, wanting excitement and immediate challenge. They are often courageous in having to live with failure, and often make things happen at the opportune time. There are four basic situations for the experimenter. Some enjoy teams and taking responsibility for taking action. Others prefer a collaborative effort so that no experiment is a single person’s responsibility. Some like to work by themselves, but will direct the efforts of others when they are affected by their own contribution or when it is necessary to get their own idea tested. Finally, others like to work entirely by themselves.

Click here to take a Career Assessment Test to find out your preferred, broad approach to tasks.


Recognising your Team contribution...
There are very few careers which do not have some interaction or contact with others. The amount and the nature of this ‘interpersonal’ part of your work are taken increasingly seriously in almost all organizations. This is because the manner in which people relate to each other can make or break the organization. It is therefore essential to have a career which gives you the balance you want between using skills and the appropriate kind of people contact. Not everybody has to be enthusiastic all the time about mixing socially. That is not what is meant. Teams also consist of people who do not need to mix very much, but whose contribution, when they are required to make it, is nevertheless vital for overall team performance.
An awareness of your typical style helps create awareness of the impact you are likely to have upon others, and may also help you to appreciate the contribution that others make, which is different simply because it is different from your own.

Recognising your Team Contribution depends on two things - your Preferred task and Personality Title, which can be recognised from this article : Click Here

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