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Career as Novelist

Stream : Media, Film & Mass communication
Sub Stream : Writer/ Editor/ copywriter

Many people think that if they write well, then they should just start writing novels. However, becoming a novelist requires more than just having good writing skills. There are many other skills that one must have in order to be successful as a novelist.

There are two major routes for becoming a novelist: you can either start writing novels or you can work your way up from being an author to become a novelist.

You need to be confident, have a great imagination and be able to write well. You also need to be willing to put in the time and effort required for this profession.

A novelist is a person who writes novels, which are fictional stories that are usually long and complex. In India, the eligibility for this profession is 10+2 or equivalent qualification. The scope of this profession includes writing novels, short stories, and non-fiction books. The payscale for this profession is Rs 10 lakh to Rs 20 lakh per annum.

A novelist is a person who writes fiction. The occupation requires imagination, creativity, and sometimes research.

Novelists are responsible for creating the characters, plot and dialogue of their works. They can also be responsible for the visual aspects of the book such as cover design or illustrations.

Novelists may write in any genre including crime, romance or science fiction. Novelists may also use different writing styles such as stream-of-consciousness or third person limited point of view.

A novelist is a person who writes fiction, usually in prose form.

The job of a novelist is to create an imaginary world and populate it with characters and events that are interesting enough to keep the reader wanting more. The author of the novel must have an understanding of the workings of human nature and society, as well as imagination.

Novelists may be categorized according to their writing style or by the time period in which they write.

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Check if your skills are appropriate for Novelist. There is scope and opportunity in every career, if it matches your Interest, personality and aptitude.

We follow a top to bottom approach. Our career counselors in the face to face counseling session would first discuss whether Novelist is a suitable career option for the student/child or not. If the reports shows that child does have the aptitude, personality and interest required for this particular career, then the counselor will guide him/her about the scope, job opportunities for Novelist and also help with the entrance exams, colleges, courses, private tutors etc for this career.

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